Greenville, PA's No-Kill Animal Shelter.

Need a Dog License? 

Strayhaven is now an agent for selling dog licenses in Mercer County.

Please note, if your dog is brought into the shelter as a stray and they are not licensed, you will need to purchase a license before taking them home.  Thank you for your cooperation.


If you’d like more information or have questions please visit:


We would like to remind everyone that our shelter operates entirely from donations and fundraisers.

If you have essential donations you would like to bring to the shelter, (food, litter, cleaning supplies) please drop them off during business hours.  If you would like to order supplies and have them shipped, please click the button below to view our Wishlist on Amazon.

If you are in need of resources for your dog or cat such as behavior, enrichment, or training; please visit the link below. Friends at the Arizona Humane Society have great resources!

 Mission Statement

Enriching the Community by Promoting Animal Welfare
in Mercer County, PA.